Thursday 12 May 2011

You thought it was over!

I put my hands up, I am guilty, guilty of being neglectful to my blog.  So I started a new job late last year and since then the hours have turned to days, days to weeks and weeks to months and as a result here I am almost halfway through 2011 and no blogging has occurred.  Some people, my husband especially may have like to think I have conquered my obsession of compulsive shopping and that was the reason for the muteness on my page.  I am both regretful and yet still very glad that in fact no miracles have occurred, I have not been going cold turkey my obsession is living on and can usually be found breeding on Oxford Circus Topshops Ground Floor!
In between work and shopping trips I have had a few people ask when my blog would be back so here I am, blogging my shops to make you feel less bad about your spends!  You know me, modern day hero!  So I vow to bring back the usual daily purchase and will continue to share my shopping stories.  Follow me on Blogspot, Facebook or Twitter!

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